Manufacturing / Production Manager


At AML, we’re always on the hunt for passionate team players who want to make a difference. AMLers commit their hands, their heads, and their hearts to their position. There are no sidelines. This is not corporate marketing: Glassdoor ratings score AML at 4.70 on 5.00. Our eNPS numbers are extremely impressive, with a +62 response to the question: “Do you enjoy working at AML?”
Why should you consider AML? AMLers cite five main reasons as to why they choose AML. First and foremost, organizational culture is our source of competitive advantage; it is carefully managed and nurtured. The AML way emphasizes employee-to-employee connection, peer-to-peer accountability, total transparency and absolute care. All AMLers know what is expected of them. Unlike many other organizations, at AML, the leadership team practices what they preach. 
The second reason why people join AML is to be surrounded by like-minded colleagues: dynamic, achievement-oriented professionals who want to win as a team. All AMLers are guided by the belief that change is healthy, challenge is exciting, and stretch is rewarding. The team takes priority over the individual.
Our growth trajectory is the third reason you should consider AML. Over the past 10 years, we have grown by 17% per year, compounded annually. Simply put, we’ve quadrupled in size in 10 years and believe AML is now poised to accelerate! What does that mean? There is opportunity everywhere you look. If you like growth and change, AML is an environment in which you will thrive. 
Reason four: transparency. All employees know the score at every level of AML: individual, departmental, and company-wide. Details - financial, strategic, operational, cultural - are shared freely, based on the belief that the only way to combat blindspots - particularly those of the leadership team - is to share the full picture. Disclosure makes us better.
Workplace flexibility is the final reason you will appreciate AML. As we only employ team players who are hungry for growth and challenge - AMLers operate with unprecedented freedom and flexibility. We focus on outcomes and reward on achievement. We don’t micromanage the process, or the time, or the location.
You’ll see these five elements at play in the morning huddle that all employees attend to kick off their day. We share good news - personal and professional - with colleagues; we check in on company results; we identify, discuss and resolve key issues. Finally, every AMLer updates their critical number, the metric that captures the key contribution from each person’s role.  
Interested? Then you’ll want to know more about what we do. AML designs and manufactures ocean-sensing solutions – sensors, instrumentation, and deployment systems – for customers on all seven continents. We have a market reputation for going to the ends of the earth to make our customers successful - enabling them to focus on the oceanography, not the equipment. As a hi-tech business, our technical team includes experts and engineers with experience in the acoustic, mechanical, electrical, software, and embedded software domains. We operate from locations at either end of Canada: the Halifax area on the Atlantic Coast and the Victoria area on the Pacific Coast
As the Production Manager, you'll lead a cross-functional team of skilled technicians and manufacturing professionals. Every day presents opportunities to collaborate with colleagues, tackle challenges, and achieve significant business outcomes. This role is at the heart of our business unit's economic engine, contributing to the company's success by ensuring timely delivery and optimizing manufacturing capacity. Join us to grow both personally and professionally in a dynamic and engaging environment!
This position is based in Halifax, NS. While some of the role may be done remotely, the position requires attendance in the office at least 3 days a week.
Mission of the role: Finely tuned Engine: Team, Quality, Cash.
Business Unit First
Prioritizes what's best for the Business Unit over what's best for their team. Demonstrates a  'Cash First' mindset. Minimizes WIP, Accelerates delivery wherever possible.
Health and Safety
Maintains workplace safety levels, utilizes existing tools and documentation, unsafe behaviours are identified and corrected.
Curates the Team
Has a plan to ensure the team has no C players and no long term B players.
Raises The Bar
Clearly communicates behavioural standards that align with company core values.
Engages with the Methodology
Active user of the Cultural, Cohesion, People performance and Execution Systems.  Willingness to learn the other 3 Systems
Meets the Standard
Out of box failure' 3% or less. Achieves original dock date 90% of the time.
Key Competencies
Level 3 Leader (using Jim Collins 5 Levels of Leadership Concept)
Can organize people and resources toward the effective and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives. Level 3 built on achievement of 1 and 2.
People Assessment
Accurate assessment of A, B, and C players; With guidance is able to discern root cause and probability of change.
EQ / Emotional Intelligence
Ability to use and manage emotions in ways to communicate effectively, overcome challenges, and navigate conflict. Can assess this ability in others.
Can leverage existing MRP and manufacturing best practices to organize a manufacturing team.
Superior Communication Skills
Expert in written and verbal communication. Comfortable addressing large groups or individuals. Able to break down and communicate complex ideas in manageable pieces. Can adapt the message to suit the audience. Able to engage in delicate conversations with internal and external stakeholders to achieve business outcomes.